The Beginning

Is it possible for a clumsy, food-loving, sport-hating girl to become a fit, instagrammable, yoga lover? Come join me on my journey towards a better, happier and healthier life and find out!

We all have that one friend who can eat a megaburger, ton of fries and six bars of chocolate without gaining a single pound. That friend is me. Or, at least, it used to be me.

(Photos from year 2016)



Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Annika and I'm an 18-year-old student girl from Finland, Northern Europe (The land of Santa Claus, sauna and northern lights!). I'm a hopeless daydreamer, lover of all things cute and pretty, artist, pianist and the proud owner of the sweetest rabbit in the world. I am also extremely lazy when it comes to working out, eating healthy and staying fit.

Being six feet tall, I have been blessed with long limbs, poor balance and a total lack of body coordination. When I was a kid, my parents started to think that I would never learn to walk (my sister still calls me "the spaghetti leg kid") and when I tried to learn how to ride a bike, it was constant screaming and crying. I think it's safe to say that I'm not an athletic person. The only sporty things I enjoy are taking long hikes in Finnish forests and dancing my heart out. Well, maybe "shaking my booty like crazy while listening to radio" would be a better name for that.



Because being active hasn't been my strongest skill, I have dedicated my life to everything else. Staying skinny has never been a problem to me. In our friend group I was always the one who ate a huge portion of food and also finished other people's dinners. I was the one whose idea of working out was walking from the sofa to the fridge and back. And still, I was always the one who never gained any weight. I was the one who was going to become a model because of her perfect thigh gap and flat tummy. I was the one, but not anymore.

During the last year I have faced difficulties, unhappy situations, health problems and just general feeling of being tired. I have gained almost 20 pounds and neglected my health really bad. Finally, this December I decided that this wasn't what I wanted my life to be. So, starting this January, I am determined to start a better and healthier life! I'm not aiming to lose much weight but just to be healthier in general, and that includes adding plenty of excercise. I know it's not going to be easy, but with the support of my family and you, my dear readers, i know I can change my life!



I'm really excited to start this journey and I hope you tag along, tell me your own experiences and maybe even get inspired to make a lifestyle change too. If I can do it, then anybody can do it!



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